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Wednesday 24 April 2013

Six Book Challenge update

The Six Book Challenge is starting to draw to a close, so this is a reminder to all those Challengers who still have a book or two left to read. The official end date is Friday 24th May so you have about 4 weeks left. We have already had around 132 students finish the Challenge across the 3 sites, so a huge well done to them. For anyone struggling with the last few books remember the incentives:
  • a certificate to add to your portfolio
  • a prize from the Library for all those who finish
  • a prize for the 3 best diaries
  • entry into a national prize draw for completers - a trip to London for the winner and guest including a show and £150 spending money and a Kobo touch eReader for three runners-up
Looks pretty good. We have lots of fiction books including Quick Reads, you can read newspapers or magazines, you can read an article on a website, you can use parts of your textbooks. Just fill in your diaries and bring them into the Library. Happy reading.

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