
We're talking books, blogs and blurb. Join in with our chats about which books are feeding our hunger for a good read.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Room 101

Which character, from a book, do dislike or even hate the most? Is there anyone in The Hunger Games, Harry Potter or anything you've read, who you would really like to send to Room 101, never to be heard from again?
If so, let us know by leaving a comment on this blog. Once we have a few suggestions we will try to make a display of all in the books in the Library- so other people may read them and learn to loathe that character too!!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to put Bella Swan from the Twilight series into ROom 101. She is the most pathetically whiny, morose man-dependent character I've ever had the mis-fortune to read about. She's put me right off seeing any of the films- give me Buffy anyday. There's a lady who knew how to handle herself around vampires!!
    Nichola in The Library@NC
