
We're talking books, blogs and blurb. Join in with our chats about which books are feeding our hunger for a good read.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Short Stories

As our Short Story Competition draws to a close (Fri 28th March) and we look forward to reading through the entries, I thought it would be good to showcase some of the short story collections we have in the College Library.
Some people dismiss short stories as not as good as a 'proper' story or book. I disagree completely with this. For a start, when you are short of time, but still need to read for escapism, a short story can be the perfect answer. Also, some short stories pack more of a punch in their scant pages than many 800 page epics. Just think, Brokeback Mountain, Stand By Me and The Birds were all short stories originally.
I've highlighted 3 of our collections in the 'Books and Blurbs' section on the left. Why not browse our shelves and see if there are any short story books which catch your interest. Happy reading...

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

World Book Day celebrations

A big thank you to all who took part in our World Book Day celebrations last Thursday. It went really well, with many of you contributing to either the Book Oscars/Election or writing your own inspirational books on a post-it note and adding it to our own. 125 people voted in the Oscars and it would seem that 'the boy who lived' is still very popular with our readers. Here are the results:

Best Book: Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban
Best Series: Harry Potter
Best Female Author: J.K. Rowling
Best Male Author: A tie between William Shakespeare & Charles Dickens

The World Book Day site has lists of their own 'Writes of Passage' books, available on their website at:

Keep a look out for details of World Book Night, which will be on April 23rd 2014. Keep on reading...

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

The Oscars and books...

Did you all watch the Oscars the other night or take an interest in who/ what won? Quite a few of the films which were up for nomination in various categories this year have been adapted from books (rather than original screenplays). The Library at NC have several of these books on their shelves, including 12 Years A Slave and The Wolf of Wall Street.
We also have plenty of other titles which over the years have been adapted into films. There are all of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Twilight and Lord of the Rings series, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, The Silence of the Lambs, Pride and Prejudice, Oliver Twist, 1984, Death of A Salesman and many more. If you've seen the film and think you'd like to read the book, why not pop into one of the Library Centres and ask if we've got it. The 'blurb' books on the side of the blog are also titles which have been adapted and which we hold in the Library.
Don't forget tomorrow (6th March) is World Book Day. Come and celebrate with us or do your own thing to mark the occassion. Happy reading...