
We're talking books, blogs and blurb. Join in with our chats about which books are feeding our hunger for a good read.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Staff Reading Journey

Library staff have been doing loads of reading over the last few months and some of them have been discussing their books on our forum- 'Book Chat', which is attached to this blog. If you want to chat with us then just click the tab at the top of this page and either post as an unregistered user or join (makes it easier to post regularly).
Also look out for our Staff Reading Journey posters on display in the Library. You can see whether anything we've read would interest you. I'll post some of the images on here in the next few weeks. 
Happy reading...

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Hope you all had a good break and managed to read a few books while you were relaxing. The Library staff have certainly been bookworms and I've got new titles to add to their Reading Journeys. Don't forget you can use the forum (Book Chat) attached to this blog to talk about any new books/ authors you've come across and want to share with others, or if you just want to natter about other stuff you've read.
Thank you to all our Poetry Competition entrants. There are some really good efforts and the hard work you've put in has been clear to see; well done. We are reading through them at the moment and we hope to be able to announce the winner very soon. We'll keep you posted.
Have a great new year and we look forward to hearing more from you on our favourite subject: BOOKS!! Happy reading...