Just wondered what you are reading at the moment. Over the Christmas break I didn't read the Charles Dickens book I said I was going to (will make that next December's read). I did however read Astray by Emma Donoghue and The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.
A collection of short stories based around historical documents and people, which have been found and researched by Donoghue. They mostly concern the varying struggles for life of the late 17th- 19th century settlers in the America, although there are more modern tales too. It was a good read, made even more interesting by the inclusion, at the end of each story, a snippet from the author about what had made her write that story. Recommended.
I've come to expect some darkness from this author and this story does not disappoint. It is the tale of Nobody, a young boy who has had to live in a graveyard with ghosts looking out for him after a major event at the beginning of his life. This is a great book, I really enjoyed it, so much so that I have decided to read all of Neil Gaiman's books (have already read Good Omens and am currently reading Odd and the Frost-Giants to my daughter). I forsee The Graveyard Book being made into a film, along the lines of Coraline, another of Gaiman's works.
So what are you all reading at the moment. Reply to this post- let's get everyone reading!!