
We're talking books, blogs and blurb. Join in with our chats about which books are feeding our hunger for a good read.

Monday, 29 November 2010

6 Book Challenge

Six Book Challenge 2011 logo
The Six Book Challenge 2011 will be starting in January. Those taking part are asked to read six books between January and June and keep a log, noting down a few lines about the book and scoring it out of 5
( 1 star= low, 5 stars= high). It's great opportunity for those who have English as a second language or are not confident readers, to improve their literacy skills. There are prizes for those who complete the challenge plus a chance to be entered into a national prize draw for a London theatre trip. We will start signing people up at the Wallace and Gromit Open Day but you are welcome to come into the LRCs if you would like some more information and we will continue to let people join well into the New Year.

The Great British Tea Party 2010

Wallace and Gromit Great British Tea Party logoCome and join the LRC in raising money for a good cause and showcasing our resources. Wallace and Gromit's Children's Foundation helps sick children in hospitals and hospices and the LRC are holding a tea party to help raise funds for their cause. There will be drinks and cakes on offer, for a small charge, as well as a raffle and games. We will also take the opportunity to advertise our resources including the Learning Assistants and the 6 Book Challenge.

Booth Lane- Tuesday 7th December, 11am- 3pm

Daventry- Wednesday 8th December, 10.30am- 2pm

Lower Mounts- Thursday 9th December, 2pm-4pm

It will be great fun, very festive and one of the few opportunities you get to eat in the LRC!!
We look forward to seeing you there.